DECO 居家  2008  No.77

ystore雅浩家具 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ystore雅浩家具與”就是設計工作室”合作,為某大事務機廠商安排世界第一品牌-Herman Miller辦公系統。為營造整體辦公空間的氛圍,特此提供Resolve System作為其新品發表之辦公家具,搭配Leaf Light為桌上照明設備,增加整體美感與加強辦公家具的使用性。高品質的事務機與機能性強的辦公設備,應是企業主或設計師在規劃空間時,必須為員工所考慮的條件之一。

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If nothing else, a student must get from his training, a feeling of security in change.



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美化家庭   June 2008  No.352

ystore雅浩家具 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 Thinking of how a chair looks comes pretty far down on the list of things I worry about when designing. I only think about how they look in relation to how they are doing their job. They must be comfortable - comfortable for the kind of use they're going to get.



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Eames Office 發行百年紀念首日封與郵票

ystore雅浩家具特此從美國 Eames Office 訂購的百年紀念首日封與郵票正式曝光!數量有限!

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【 On choosing a plastic chair color:】What I really want is a black with feeling.

【 在選擇一張塑膠椅的顏色時:】我真正要的是帶些感情的黑色。


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DECO 居家  2008  No.75

ystore雅浩家具 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Here is one of the few effective keys to the design problem-the ability of the designer to recognize as many of the constraints as possible-his willingness and enthusiasm for working within these constraints. Constraints of price, of size, of strength, of balance, of surface,of time, and so forth. Each problem has its own peculiar list.

解決設計上問題的少數有效方法之一就是 - 設計師能辨識出所有可能存在限制的本能 - 然後在這些侷限框框中繼續創作的意願與熱誠。不管是屬於價格、尺寸、強度、平衡、表面、時間等的限制。每種問題都有屬於自身的限制條件。


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In architecture, or furniture, or jackstraws, it is the connection that can do you in. Where two materials come together, brother, watch out!



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