
Eventually everything connects-people, ideas, objects...the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.

每件事物到頭來都會彼此連結-人、想法、物體.... 連結的品質即決定所有事物的品質。


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The marvelous part about a kite problem is that this is one area in which one can definitely judge its success or failure-that it will fly or it will not fly. I wish more problems could be so beautifully defined.



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Charles Eames wrote very little in the way of formal books or articles. In fact, my co-editor, Eames Demetrios, has argued that the Eames films are the Eames essays. But Charles did have a remarkable facility with the spoken word, and his lectures were another critical part of his body of work---he sometimes spoke of the ideas in the same way as he spoke of the other products of the Eames Office. For this reason, a book of 100 quotes to celebrate the Eames centennial seemed like a natural. In searching for quotes, we turned to a number of sources: articles, books, films, interviews,lectures, notes and office files. The six Norton Lectures given at Harvard University in 1970-1971 are left largely unreferened in this collection because they work best as a cohesive whole.

Charles often talked abort constraints. The constraint of this project---because of our desire to see it in multiple languages---was to choose short quotes. These will surely whet your appetite to dig deeper.


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Eames Alum. Group  50週年紀念款 - 珍珠白皮革

Eames Aluminum Group
結合鋁和皮革的躺椅,由Charles & Ray EamesHerman Miller1958年合作推出,是Eames相當經典款的休閒辦公椅,耐久的鑄鋁結構支撐著一體成形的完美坐墊,微妙地創造出符合人體的曲線,特殊的內墊及皮革處理,提供人們在長期使用時的舒適與透氣。流線、簡潔的設計適合於辦公或居家空間。

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欲知好康    點選圖片

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Artek in Milan 2008

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Herman Miller公司生產的Leaf Personal Light被評為全球最好的照明產品,並獲得2008年度紅點產品設計大獎。Leaf Personal Light是由24位知名設計師和設計專家組成的國際評審團隊從數千個參選作品中選出來的。

Leaf Personal Light是Herman Miller公司與Yves Behar位於舊金山的Fuseproject工作室在技術和設計上共同合作的結晶。它的設計既能讓使用者選擇燈光的強度,也能選擇燈光的顏色。除此之外,Leaf的LED光源能減少消耗8到9瓦的電量,在全功率設定的情況下,壽命可長達60000多個小時,與小型13瓦熒光燈相比,能降低40%的耗能。

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Y Store雅浩家具

 designercarpets.com“設計團隊中首推丹麥設計師Verner Panton(1926~1988),畢業於哥本哈根的皇家藝術學院,設計作品含概了建築、室內空間、家具家飾、手錶和地毯窗簾等各類型的創作。參展無數更獲獎無數的Verner Panton,對於色彩、幾何、線條與比例的搭配是在20世紀所有的設計師中,無人所能批敵的。”designercarpets.com“是唯一授權生產製造Verner Panton所設計的地毯。每張地毯都會繡上設計師Verner Panton的經典簽名,更突顯品牌設計價值。 

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