What are the reasons behind buying chairs?Buying is an emotional response and we need to able to connect with our customers. It’s about empathy; it’s about understanding the customer’s needs. It could be that your client wants to provide ergonomic chairs to improve staff productivity. Or design icons to attract and retain certain qualified workers. It could be just to improve the working environments. Our clients buy chairs because they need tools to work with. They will choose the chair that makes their staff healthy and improves productivity.So this is about PEOPLE not CHAIRS, it’s about SITTING not SEATING, It’s about HEALTH.
選擇買這張椅子的原因是什麼?購買是一個情感反應並且我們需要能與顧客溝通。它是站在顧客的立場來瞭解的顧客的需求。客戶可能想要提供人體工學的椅子來改進職員生產力。或是創造某種公司意象來吸引和雇用某層次合格的工作者。或是單純想改進工作環境。我們的客戶買椅子因為他們需要好的工作工具。他們想要選擇能使他們的職員工作健康並改進生產力的椅子。因此這是關於”, 而不是椅子它是關於入坐”, 而不是座位”, 它是關於健康因素
Aeron 5 項設計原則治理是: 
Support             支撐
Comfort             舒適度
Diversity            變化/多樣性
Durability           耐久性
Environment      環境/環保

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