Living & Design住宅美學  NO.14  Nov. 2009

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DESIGN   2009  No.149

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漂亮家居  Oct. 2009  No.104

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化繁為簡的有機美學 Setu Chair   2009
Designed by Studio 7.5

Setu Chair榮獲NeoCon 2009(芝加哥國際辦公及商用家俱展覽June 15-17)會議椅類別-金牌 

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2009高雄國際單椅大展      空間設計師裝置藝術展



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DECO  No.90  Sep. 2009

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Herman Miller
一、               活動目的
二、               活動對象

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Living & Design住宅美學  NO.12  Sep. 2009

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Well, not exactly lie down, more like lean back. Turns out, I’m not alone.

Herman Miller researchers found that office workers prefer a reclined-torso posture when the task at hand is directed at a visual target.  Trouble is, when your display screen is on a fixed surface, you can’t seem to get the viewing distance right. Lucky for me, and all the other recliners out there, Herman Miller has introduced the Envelop desk, a design collaboration between Jeff Weber and the late Bill Stumpf. Basically, it’s a desk with a top that follows you when you recline. It has a cockpit opening that fits around you and holds up your forearms, sort of enveloping you. Armed with my Envelop desk, and lots of caffeine, I’m now able to really lean into my work.
By Randall Braaksma

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