Charles Eames wrote very little in the way of formal books or articles. In fact, my co-editor, Eames Demetrios, has argued that the Eames films are the Eames essays. But Charles did have a remarkable facility with the spoken word, and his lectures were another critical part of his body of work---he sometimes spoke of the ideas in the same way as he spoke of the other products of the Eames Office. For this reason, a book of 100 quotes to celebrate the Eames centennial seemed like a natural. In searching for quotes, we turned to a number of sources: articles, books, films, interviews,lectures, notes and office files. The six Norton Lectures given at Harvard University in 1970-1971 are left largely unreferened in this collection because they work best as a cohesive whole.
Charles often talked abort constraints. The constraint of this project---because of our desire to see it in multiple languages---was to choose short quotes. These will surely whet your appetite to dig deeper.
An Eames Primer, written by Demetrios, who is also director fo the Eames Office, contains many, many marvelous longer-form stories about the banana leaf, the lota and much more.
Charles read and listened as well as he spoke. He frequently quoted the Bhagavad Gita, "Work done with anxiety about results is far inferior to work done without such anxiety, in the calm of self-surrender." And he often attributed this idea to the physicist Richard Feynman, "Choose your corner, pick away at it carefully, intensely and to the best of your ability, and that way uou might change the world."
查理斯.伊姆斯(Charles Eames)很少著書撰文;事實上,我另一位和著作者伊姆斯.迪米瓊斯曾說,伊姆斯的電影就是他的文章。然而查理斯在口語表達上的確擁有傑出的天份,他的演說是他們作品體系中重要的一環---有時他表達思想的方式與他闡釋伊姆斯辦公室其他產品的方式,有異曲同工之妙。基於這個理由,用100句話編成一本書以為伊姆斯一百周年之誌慶似乎是再自然也不過的事。在蒐集與彙整他的語錄時,我們朝向幾個方向著手:論文、書籍、電影、專訪、演說、筆記與辦公室檔案。他於1970到1971年在哈佛大學主持六場諾頓講座,這系列的演講內容大多未曾被引用,因為這些內容本身自成一個完整的體系。
查理斯最常談起的主題就是「限制」。蒐集這項語錄最大的限制就是只能選擇短句,為我們計畫將這本書翻成多國語言。這些一定會激起你想要深入一探究竟的渴望。同時也是伊姆斯辦公室理事的迪米瓊斯所寫的《伊姆斯入門》(An Eames Primer)一書中,有許多關於芭蕉葉、小水罐等其他許多主題的長篇形式的美妙故事。
查理斯的閱讀和聆聽能力跟他的口才一樣好。他經常引用《博伽梵歌》(Bhagavad Gita)裡的句子,「在患得患失的心態下完成的工作,遠不如在心神平靜、成敗交諸於天的心態下完成的成果來得優越」。而且他也常將自己的想法歸諸於物理學大師理查.費曼,「選擇你的興趣,然後謹慎且持續地盡自己最大能力來鑽研,如此你方有可能改變世界」。