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女長期翹腳  竟長6公分骨刺

姿勢不良持續3小時 腰痛寸步難行


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Human Design from Norman Foster

Helit is convinced: "He who wants to create design classics cannot follow today's ever changing fashion fads, he must create real trends himself."

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室內設計  2009 Jan-Feb NO.38

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To be realistic one must always admit the influence of those who have gone before.



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富豪人生  NO.33  Jan.-Mar.2009

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世界第一辦公家具品牌Herman MillerSupport支撐、Comfort舒適、Diversity多樣性、Durability耐久性、Environment環保,五大理念為人體工學椅設計的準則。1994年所推出的Aeron Chair,由兩位美國頂尖工業設計師Bill StumptDon Chadwick所設計,是全世界首張採用複合纖維材質高科技人體工學椅。 

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